Saturday, March 31, 2007

Lost For Words

Things not going your way? There's no excuse for your language not to be lively. Try these handy phrases.

We're up shitter's ditch.
Up shit creek without a paddle in a barbed-wire canoe.
I'm gonna kick the first dog I see.


AngryMan said...

You said you had a problem.
I offered my assistance.
You refused.
So I said, "Well, I guess you're really up shit creek."

Chickie said...

I'm gonna kick the first dog I see.

If I had a nickel for every time that Sweety's said this...

Joey Polanski said...

I think Id probly rathr be UP shittrs ditch than DOWN it.

Cissy Strutt said... Song lyrics?

chickie: Poor Tiny & Stinky - I hope Sweetie doesn't follow through!

Joey: It's the barbed-wire canoe that is all too vivid.

AngryMan said...

Nope. That is from the classic film "Blues Brothers."

Cash said...

No one better be kicking a dog unless they want to deal with me. Trust me, Australia doesn't want to make the list.

Cissy Strutt said... Of course! Scary nuns (my favourite kind). I'm laughing just thinking about that scene. Oh the profanity.

Cash: No dogs were harmed in the making of this post. Welcome. I've put a dish of Meety Treets over there for you. Let me know if I can be of further service.

Chickie said...

Oh, no. He gives them a treat just for saying such a thing.

Cash said...

Meety Treats? Cool. You will definitely survive the Revolution!