Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Lost For Words

Hugh Lunn's Lost For Words is subtitled "Australia's lost language in words and stories". It is as scrumptious a book as ever you could wish to dip into. And I do dip. Here is a sample. Watch for more.

If you arrive somewhere worried about being in trouble you say "Will I throw my hat in first?"

[When you start working in a bookshop, most people stop giving you books as gifts. A very classy friend gave me this for my last birthday.]


Forrest Proper said...

It's true- nobody but my wife dares give me books. Well, my uncle does, but he's a retired librarian, so he knows you can never have enough books...

AngryMan said...

That's the one thing that sucks about living in a small apartment, you don't have enough room to build up a good book collection. The advantage is that you use the library more, which costs less and makes my mother, a librarian, very happy.

Cissy Strutt said...

My mother, a librarian, wielded her power for evil. Many a terrified borrower crouched in the shadows of the stacks waiting for her to leave the counter.

Joey Polanski said...

I aint got no Librarians in my famly.

We was all Democrats.

Cissy Strutt said...

... while you yourself are a demagogue