Sunday, February 18, 2007

Lords and Ladies

I've just ripped through Lords and Ladies by Terry Pratchett, one of his Disc World novels. He never fails to amuse and entertain. Here is his delicious take on Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream where the Elves are really nasty. Naturally the witches save the day. I particularly like the advice of old crone Nanny Ogg to the new Bride-To-Be: "'I gave her a few tips. Always wear something in bed. Keeps a man interested.' 'You always wore your hat.' 'Right.'" And later, more on the hat, viz: "Nanny Ogg raised her hat and carefully lifted down a bowl of cream, custard and jelly which she had secreted there. She was a great picker-up of unconsidered trifles."


Forrest Proper said...

Sounds cool. Have you read any of Jasper Ffordes' books, like "The Eyre Affair"? The heroine is a Literary Detective (a "LitraTec") and the series is set in an alternate present-day England where bands of roving Christopher Marlowe conspiracists riot in the streets and there's a constant problem with the smuggling of forged Folios...

AngryMan said...

You should read Pyramids and Moving Pictures, both great installments in the DiscWorld series.

Cissy Strutt said...

Colonel Colonel: Indeed, Tuesday Next and her fiance Landon Park-Laine (not to mention historian Millon de Floss) are favourites of mine. I don't think Fforde quite hit the mark so well with his Mary Mary series, starting with The Big Over Easy. But I am a fan.

angryman: Yes, I've been reading Pratchett for a few years now (anaglyph put me on to him). I read the new ones as they come out, and scour second-hand stores for older ones. I am always delighted to find one I haven't read, so finding Lords & Ladies made my day.