Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Don't Let The Pigeon Stay Up Late

Following the scintillating brilliance of Pigeon's first outing Don't Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus, Mo Willems' story here exposes the machinations of our mini-Machiavelli Pigeon as he tries to wheedle, threaten, demand, charm and skive his way into staying up late. Line destined to become a classic: "You wouldn't say no to a bunny, would you?"


Joey Polanski said...

I think Im gonna try skivin tday.

Mike said...

I said no to a bunny once and have lived to regret it.

AngryMan said...

I'll have to email this over to Moms, she's ordering books for her library.

Cissy Strutt said...

joey: If ever a man was Born To Skive, I believe that man is you.

mike: I said no to an aardvark once, but I think I was right to do so. He had a funny look in his eye.

A.man: Tell her to get the other two as well - 'Don't Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus' & 'Pigeon Finds A HotDog - featuring Little Duckling'

AngryMan said...

She has the Drive The Bus one, but she is going to check to see if she has Stay Up Late. She's read them all and loves them. It's one of her favorite series. I don't know if she knows about the hot dog one, but I'll make sure she finds out.

Sefton said...

My 4 year old nephew absolutely loves Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. I started him off at a very young age to hate birds as much as I do...

Cissy Strutt said...

jedimac - you'll be pleased to find that Pigeon doesn't get to stay up late, either.